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Include married names   

Families with surname GIOIELLO

1F4335I12916Frannicola, AntonioANTONIO I12917Gioiello, Maria FilomenaMARIA FILOMENA 1269YESY
2F4336I12918Gioiello, MicheleMICHELE ‏(Family name unknown)‏, ‏(Given name unknown)‏@P.N.    1UR
3F6331I19539Tuosto, TommasoTOMMASO I19540Gioiello, MariantoniaMARIANTONIA    8UYR
4F1860I5162Zarra, CarmineCARMINE I14341Gioiello, TeresaTERESA    4UYR
Given Names

Total families : 4
HUSB:GIVN Given Names